Browsing a CERN/ROOT file.

You can bring pawdemo.root from here : pawdemo.root.

and deposit the file in your document directory (see Data files). (HEP people may find the name of this file a little bit strange, but it came from the fact that it is a convertion of a CERN/HBOOK file produced with CERN/PAW to a CERN/ROOT file).

Then start ioda and select the file with :

     Files -> .root -> pawdemo.root

Whence selected you should see the list of the "TKeys" :


The TKeys had been filtered out to show only the ones for which ioda can visualize the associated data, then today :

     TH1D, TH2D, TH1F, TH2F, TProfile

Some TKeys are "TDirectories". These are special objects that contains other TKeys. The TDirectories are prefixed with "d:". Activating a TDirectory shows a new list with the content of this directory. In one level list, the data TKeys are presented first and the directory TKeys come after. Then with pawdemo, click the down arrow button up to have :


Select "d: ETAF2" :


and then h11. You should see :


When having a plot you can use the camera panel (or the finger on a smart device) to pan the plot and zoom in it. For example to visualize more closely the info box :


From here you can map back the user interface by activating the bottom screen/window area. Then activate the "Home" button and the "out.jpg" to produce a out.jpg JPEG file of the picture.