






Go under the latest version directory and pick a "kit" zip file. A kit is osc_batch or osc_vis. See osc_batch and osc_vis kits to know what is a kit.

Files are source or binary ones. The source files are :


The binaries are of the form :


with "kit" being today osc_batch, osc_vis and "platform" being the concatenation of the operating system, kind of processor, compiler and version of the compiler.

Note that the source kits are your number one insurance (the kind of insurance you shall never get from Microsoft). Then even if installing a binary kit we advise to download anyway the corresponding source kit.

For the Mac, beside the source and binary zip files, some clickable .apps (mainly osc-plot) are delivered in :


Install a zip binary kit

Download some osc_[batch,vis] according your platform. Unzip. On UNIX, you have to install with :

     UNIX> cd <kit>/<version>
     UNIX> (chmod a+x install)
     UNIX> ./install

The ./install script simply enforces the installation path in the various user setup scripts ( [aida-,py-]setup.[csh,sh]). (On Windows, the install pass is not needed since the user setup.bat file knows its own location).

Setup and use a kit

To use the kit and then run programs, you have to "source setup" it. This is done on a UNIX under a Bourne flavoured shell with :

     sh> . <install_path>/<kit>/<version>/

Under a C flavoured shell with :

    csh> source <install_path>/<kit>/<version>/setup.csh

And on Windows from a DOS prompt :

    DOS> call <install_path>\<kit>\<version>\setup.bat

The setup scripts simply increment the various environment path variables to access the program and shared libs. This has to be done once per "OpenScientist user session". The content of the scripts is rather simple and may be put in login scripts. Note that the setup pass must not be confused with the install pass. The install is done once by the installer. The setup is done once per each user session.

In the further doc, to simplify the text, this pass of seting up the kit to run programs will be denoted :

     OS> <source setup the kit>
 or simply :
     OS> <source setup>

Whence the setup is done, to run a program, then simply type the name of the program :

     OS> <application>

For example :

     OS> aida-config        # with any kit
     OS> AIDA_example_Store # with any kit
 and with an osc_vis kit :
     OS> osc-plot 
   ( OS> osc-plot <aida, root, hbook data file> )
     OS> osc-paw
   ( OS> osc-paw <.kumac file> )
     OS> osc-config
     OS> osc-g4-vis

IMPORTANT : binary compatibility

Running on your local computer binaries constructed elsewhere may induces problems. Strictly speeking you must be sure that your running environment is the same than the original build one.

You should have few problems with an osc_batch kit since the code here is standalone and relies only on the standard C/C++ libraries. You have simply to take care of the version of the compiler.

Situation may be more problematic with an osc_vis kit since the GUI and graphics parts rely on other third party software. Here the compiler should be the same, but also the GUI and graphics libs. On a Windows, the default GUI and graphics is done by using the Win32 libs. Since these are very stable, few problems are expected here. On a Mac the default uses the X11 and OpenGL of Apple. We expect only to have OpenMotif installed by Fink under /sw. Then if having some "libXm" missing, simply arrange to install OpenMotif through Fink. On a Linux, we use X11 and the default OpenGL now coming by default on most of distributions. We expect to have also OpenMotif. Then you have to install at least the run time of it and the "dev" version in case of building from source.

Anyway, if the graphics behaves strangely, check your environment (On a Linux you can use the ldd command to see the shared libs used at run time and then compare to your environment). (On a Mac you can use "otool -L"). But if problems remain do not try to fight : do a local installation from source.


The kits are organised in what is now some standard at least on UNIXes :

     <kit>/<version>/bin : for programs and DLLs
     <kit>/<version>/lib : for programmign libraries.
     <kit>/<version>/Resources : for extra run time data.
     <kit>/<version>/[aida-,py-]setup.[sh,csh,data] : user setup scripts.

The Resources directory contains the include files of some package for programming (as the AIDA interfaces under Resources/AIDA), the various examples, some template data files and some run time files the .onx one describing some piece of GUI.

Installation from source

See the Build from source section.